I have put together a slow motion clip of the incredible tank battery explosion I posted yesteday from Lamesa, TX that you no doubt have seen all over the news.
I have received some requests from various fire personel from all over asking for a copy of the video for training. I am going to be putting this on a DVD for that very purpose. I will be happy to freely give one to any official fire department that wants it for training purposes. All I as is that you either contact me through email from an official government email address, or you can email me and get my mailing address and send me a request on department letterhead. I have over an hour of video of this fire.
Just a follow up on the vehicle condition as some have been asking. I got the estimates today and the damage was even worse than I thought. Many of the structural members beneath the skin were damaged and have to be replaced, and it’s most likely going to be a total loss for the chase vehicle.
Tags: lamesa texas, slow motion, tank battery fire, video
Insane video, David! Looks really cool in slow-mo. Thanks for posting it.
How can something so scary be so beautiful! The slow motion REALLY is something! The top of the second tank that blew looks like wiggling jello as it floats/wobbles thru the air! Really amazing footage!
An extremely good training resource of what can and does happen. Recall a training video some 40 years ago that had the Bleve carefully explained but this is actual footage in slow motion. Well done and stay safe – Kia Kaha
Does anybody know exactly what was in the tanks?
Oil and water.
Hi. I work at the Caltex Oil Refinery in Sydney, Australia in the Risk Department. The Refinery Firemen work in this group with me. My role is Hazard and Operability Study Facilitator. I collect this type of footage wherever possible so that the members of the safety studies I lead can get a real feeling for what can happen in an industrial incident. This information can really save lives. I would very much like to have your permission to use this footage as part of my work. I will not circulate it outside of my refining group, which includes Caltex and Chevron.
Matt: Please refer to the following about getting copies of the video:
How can I get a copy of this video and the aftermath video?