I decided last night to try my hand for the first time to really take a serious starfield picture, and in that process hoped maybe to capture a Perseids Meteor.  I was out for about 3 hours taking dozens of images with my Canon digital SLR.  While I was out I saw between 30 and 40 meteors.  I was rather disappointed as I was hoping for more from all accounts I had read on what was expected.  The area in West Texas where I was has exceptional viewing and according to the light pollution maps is in the second darkest areas. Nonetheless, the overall amount I saw wasn’t that much, with many of them being faint.  I didn’t see any really bright ones and no fireballs.

What I did learn was that I have a lot to learn and a lot of practice ahead, so there is much room for improvement.  That said I did catch one of the brighter meteors and got one other star trail image that I liked, so I thought I would share those with you here. 🙂

You can click on the images to get a bit larger one.

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